pyBox User Manual
pyBox is a web based movie catalogue management system
pyBox in a nutshell:
pyBox catalogues your movie collection automatically once a .torrent file is being downloaded. The imdb link is automatically detected through AI.
pyBox has a customizeable multithreaded feeder to extract .torrent file from you favorite torrent sites.
Various user friendly reports allow you to query it's movie database.
Downloaded movies are automatically unrared and cleaned.
Main Menu: pyBox
Following chapters explain the functionality of pyBox. You see the menu item desciption followed by the URL link of the pyBox server.
New arrivals -> /pybox/path_display
In "New arrivals" you find the directories that are available in default torrents completed download directory C:/Completed/0.Unrar.
To display the content of your collection you can start pyBox with:
On the top of the screen you find the menu structure. See further chapters for explaination of the menu items.
A directory display starts with a folder icon. If you click the folder icon you go to the raw directory display view.
If a directory has been succesfully recognised as a movie then movie title, year and rating are displayed otherwise just the name of the directory is displayed.
Clicking on a movie title allows to display the movie records stored in pyBox.
After the directory or short movie identifier you get the file icons that have been found in the directory. Movie files look like little film cells, pictures, files and folders each have their own icon.
Of course by clicking on a movie icon you start playing back the movie.
Downloading -> /pybox/path_display/c:/torrents
Refresh catalog -> /pybox/catalog
Movie filter -> /pybox/movie_filter
List posters -> /pybox/list_posters
Posters by genre -> /pybox/posters_by_genre
Catalog Table -> /imdbcatalog.htm
Movies ratings -> /pybox/movies_by_actor
Movies by actor -> /pybox/actor_movie_list
Movies without directories -> /pybox/movies_empty
Movies duplicated -> /pybox/movies_duplicated
Empty directories -> /pybox/directories_empty
Directories size -> /pybox/directories_size
Web browse -> /movies
Adminstration Menu
Setting up data feeds
Select Admin->Django Administrator.
Login if required.
Creating a query
Select Queries and create the search query filter for the feed you will use. Save the Query.
Creating a feed
To enter a web site you want to poll for new movies/games or stuff you need to setup the feed definition with the mulitple queries to search the .torrent web site from.
Select Feeds.
Create a Feed. Enter the web site description name, web site url and the queries the site should be interrogated by.
Test the feeder
Run C:\Program Files\pyBox\pybox\
Even if you have 100 queries setup now the feeder is using multi-threading to request each query simultatiously. That's why it extracts .torrent files so FAST.
Oh by the way it's doesn't retry launching .torrents that were already downloaded or that are excluded from exclusion list.
Create a scheduled task for the feeder
Use DOS box->Control Panel->Scheduled Tasks and create a new task that should run every hour or so.
You should now be setup to receive your favorite content AUTOMATICALLY.
Oh, did I mention that whenever a torrent is downloaded and being launched into uTorrent that pyBox tries to find the best matching movie/game desciption on IMDB and poster on movieposterdb and creates the pyBox movie view.